Sermon Notes Micah 6:6-8 & Amos 5:18-27, The Meaning of Justice

What does the Lord require of you? Mic 6:8b
  - act justly, love mercy & walk humbly with God: Mic 6:8c

Meaning of Justice:
- impartial aplication (to human situations) of God's moral law & righteousness, see Mat 19
     God's righteousness in action (in unrighteous world)
     Can't separate righteousness & justice
     Goes beyond human legality - may be legal, but is it just?
- protection of human dignity - for everyone & their community
     All are made in image of God: Mat 25:40
     Preventing exploitation, fair trials & treatment
- giving fair price (having fair exchange) for goods & services
     Being fair: Amos 5:11,6:23-24

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